Scuba Training

Toucan Dive has been introducing new divers to the sport of scuba diving since 1995, when Rick & Julie Smith started what would soon be the largest and most complete, full service scuba diving facility in Northern Lake County, Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. Scuba training is what we do!

Scuba training generally involves three components. During the academic portion of a class, you’ll complete home study online or read an easy-to-follow book and watch video presentations to prepare you for an academic review with your instructor. Many classes include a confined water (pool) scuba training session, and then you’ll complete open water training dives. Different classes have different requirements.

Our home study, two weekend, PADI Open Water Certification class is a easy and convenient way to get your PADI certification quickly, and safely. But we don’t just train new divers. The Open Water Diver class is just the first part of your adventure. Our training staff enjoys a variety of scuba activities including boat diving, wreck diving, underwater navigation, search and recovery, underwater photography, video and lots more.

Scuba Training Course Schedule
